here are some ways you can make your food delivery more eco-friendly.

8 ways to make your food delivery sustainable!

The need for sustainability is rapidly growing across all sectors, especially in the realm of food delivery where unnecessary plastic packaging and takeout options are some of the greatest contributors to landfills across the world. As restaurants and food delivery services are making sustainability more available to consumers, here are some ways you can make your food delivery more eco-friendly. 

Read more about Shellworks and their aim to reimagine plastic packaging by learning from nature.

Shellworks: a new solution to plastic waste?

Vivomer is just like plastic - except that it’s not. But what’s behind this fully compostable material? Read more about Shellworks and their aim to reimagine plastic packaging by learning from nature.
Canada sets timeline for banning many single-use plastics

Canada sets timeline for banning many single-use plastics

Canada recently announced its timeline for banning many single-use plastics and ensures for its government to be “all-in” when it comes to its plastic free plan, but there are varying opinions on whether or not this banned single-use plastics initiative is being implemented in the best way.