Sustainable Design & Trends with Silvia Stella Osella

Sustainable Design & Trends with Silvia Stella Osella

Discover the story of Silvia Stella Osella, and witness her wise approach towards design and trends in the sustainable fashion industry.
Seasonal color analysis: What is it and why is it sustainable?

Seasonal color analysis: What is it and why is it sustainable?

Seasonal Color Analysis is a great tool to find the existing synergy between colors and our physical aspects. This article introduces the concept of Seasonal Color Analysis and its role in sustainability.
Reducing Deadstock: Everyday Scrunchies Made Of Leftover Fabric Scraps

Ridurre le scorte di magazzino: elastici per tutti i giorni realizzati con scarti di tessuto avanzati

Quanto sono comodi, colorati e belli gli elastici? Scopriamo gli elastici Shio e Valentina Vasilatou, realizzati con ritagli di stoffa!