3 start-ups to help you ease your way into making a positive impact

3 start-ups to help you ease your way into making a positive impact

Do you want to make a positive impact and don’t know where to start? Check out Treedom, 3bee and Team Climate – three climate tech B2C start-ups helping people get easily involved in environmental projects.
7 out of 10 young people suffer from climate anxiety: are you one of them?

7 out of 10 young people suffer from climate anxiety: are you one of them?

Climate anxiety is very real, and can sometimes make you feel extremely overwhelmed. Learn how to recognize it and cope with it.
“Green Escapes” book from Phaidon - The Guide to Secret Urban Garden around Europe

“Green Escapes” book from Phaidon - The Guide to Secret Urban Garden around Europe

Learn about secret gardens that are all around the world with the book Green Escapes, and get the insider scoop about hidden gems that are open to the public.
How to get biking fashionable - hop on & off

How to get biking fashionable - hop on & off

Biking is always a fun activity to do during the summer, but how can we make it more fashionable? Here are some quick ways to make biking more attractive this summer.
Some Like It Hot, but climate change and global warming are pushing summer to extremes

Some Like It Hot, but climate change and global warming are pushing summer to extremes

Climate change is happening and we need to take action today. In this article, we help you to better understand this phenomenon and give you some tips for how to get involved in the change.
US Supreme Court’s ruling against EPA hinders fight against climate change

US Supreme Court’s ruling against EPA hinders fight against climate change

The US Supreme Court’s recent ruling against EPA hinders our fight against climate change and leaves many, especially environmentalists, with great disappointment. The ruling limits the EPA’s authority to regulate carbon emissions that cause climate change.
Canada sets timeline for banning many single-use plastics

Canada sets timeline for banning many single-use plastics

Canada recently announced its timeline for banning many single-use plastics and ensures for its government to be “all-in” when it comes to its plastic free plan, but there are varying opinions on whether or not this banned single-use plastics initiative is being implemented in the best way.
How is the LGBTQ+ community central to provide climate justice and make the society more sustainable?

How is the LGBTQ+ community central to provide climate justice and make the society more sustainable?

The LGBTQ+ community is central to the fight for social and climate justice…read to find out how!
Blue Oasis Technology: Effecting giant strides towards ocean and natural life preservation through technology

Blue Oasis Technology: Effecting giant strides towards ocean and natural life preservation through technology

Jacques Yves Cousteau, an oceanographer in one of his numerous quotes stated the sickening stage of the ocean which would not lead to death as life never ends in the sea but the sickness is getting worse yearly. Blue Oasis Technology through innovations and expertise is working towards changing the narration and saving the aqualife and ecosystem at large.